Thursday, January 7, 2021

Day 7 of the Character Creation Challenge - Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set

Day 7 is Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set by Jeff Grubbs. It was published by TSR. It is now out of print and allowed to fall into public domain. If you are interested in a PDEF of the rules it is here at Classic Marvel Forever Website. There are clones of the system available in DrivethruRPG but that is for another day in this challenge

I enjoyed playing this game a lot when it first came out. It is fantastic for playing the characters of the Marvel Universe. I really wanted to play in my own Universe with my players own characters so this end up being a change of pace game for me.

For the #31dayCharacterCreationChallenge I will be following the rule books as written. For this character I will be generating completely random.

The random generation portion of these rules cover the basics of creating the super hero, the character is up to the player to decide. I will add those after I have rolled everything else.

First is the roll for Origin. I roll a 19 so Altered Human. I get to increase an attribute by +1 Column Shift. This game is built of ranks of ability which are on the task resolution chart as columns and the die roll on the row. So Column Shift is a reference to moving up (+) or down (-) in rank.

Attributes are rolled next. The first letter is the let of each Attributes is it abbr. known as FASERIP.

I will present the results as Category (roll) Rank (Rank Abbr.) – Rank Score

Fighting (73) Remarkable (RM) – 26

Agility (27) Good (GD) – 8

Strength (23) Good (GD) – 8

Endurance (96) Incredible (IN) -36

Reason (61) Remarkable (RM) – 26

Intuition (95) Incredible (IN) – 36

Psyche (52) Excellent (EX) – 16

Health is F, A, S plus E for 78

Karma is R, I, plus P for 78

Resources are Typical. When I rolled on the Ability Modifier I roll “remain unchanged”

Popularity is 10/10. This represents the character having a secret identity so Popularity starts at 10. I have put in 10 for both Super Hero name and secret identity as they can differ.

On increasing 1 attribute by +1 CS I will wait until I roll my powers to see where the best change is. (This may not be strictly by the rulebook but random can be a cruel taskmaster, so I cut myself a break)

Now I roll the number of Powers, Talents, and Contract. Format is Type (roll) starting number/max number.

Powers (94) 5/5

Talents (82) 3/4

Contacts (71) 2/4

Okay I will roll my 5 powers. First step is the Power Categories, Format Power Count (roll) Power Category

Power 1 (91) Body Alterations / Defensive

Power 2 (68) Distance Attacks

Power 3 (44) Body Control

Power 4 (24) Matter Control

Power 5 (60) Distance Attacks

Now I will roll under each Power Category, Format Power Category (roll) Power (roll) Rank Rank No.

Body Alterations / Defensive (9) Recovery (76) Remarkable 26

Distance Attacks (4) Fire Generation (79) Remarkable 26

Body Control (7) Animal Transformation – Self (39) Good 8

Matter Control (6) Fire Control (64) Remarkable 26

Distance Attacks (6) Sound Generation (8) Poor 3

Seeing that I have 2 distance attacks and matter control allows stunts which are range. I will do a +1 CS on my Agility

Agility   Excellent (EX) – 16

Health is increased by +8 for A for 86

Reviewing Recovery description, besides recovery 1 rank per, I also get a bonus power of Resistance. This would mean I drop of a power. So I drop the last rolled power which is sound generation. I can choose the Resistance so I choose Resistances to Cold.

Reviewing Fire Control I find it comes with the ability to increase or decrease fire intensity by RM 26 rank. I can create a Flaming Shield at RM 26

Reviewing Fire Control I find it comes with ability to use flame as a missile weapon (fire balls or a jet of fire) and 1 stunt. I choose Body Transformation at -2 CS which grants Body Armor and Flight at the rank.

Animal Transformation is I can pick 1 animal for myself to change into. I choose an Eagle from the Judge’s Book. I have the animal ability in animal form but none of my powers. I ask my GM can the Eagle be a Flaming Eagle. I still only get the Eagle stats from the Judge’s book, my mental stats, and no powers. I love the visual comic book feel of him turning into a flaming bird. The GM (which is me too) says yes, since it is only for purposes of flavor. I will never be able to develop any Flame power stunts to use why in bird form. I agree with myself.

My Powers now are this.

Body Alterations / Defensive (9) Recovery (76) Remarkable 26

Resistance to Cold (41) Excellent 16

Distance Attacks (4) Fire Generation (79) Remarkable 26

Stunt: Body Transformation: Armor Good 8 and Flight Good 8

Body Control (7) Animal Transformation – Self (39) Good 8

Matter Control (6) Fire Control (64) Remarkable 26

Create Flaming Shield Remarkable 26

Now is time to roll skills. Format is Talent No. (roll) Skill Category

Talent 1 (51) Professional Skills

Talent 2 (33) Fighting Skills

Talent 3 (17) Weapon Skills

Rolling for Specific skills, format is Skill Category (roll) Skill Benefit

Professional Skills (8) Psychiatry +1 CS on Mind Feats

Fighting Skills (8) Tumbling +1 CS when dodging, evading, and escaping

Weapon Skills (9) Sharp Weapons +1CS to hit when attacking with a weapon that resolves attacks on the Edged Attack column of the Battle Effects Table.

For Contracts I get to choose 2. I pick one for Superhero ID and one for Secret ID

Hero Group – Defenders

Psychiatry associates.

So that finishes the character. I decide he is a 32 year old Male. Dr Enix was contacted by Nighthawk in Nighthawk’s secret identity to get Dr. Enix to provide services for Nighthawk’s friend. Never turning down a millionaire client wanting to foot the bill for other, Dr. Enix drives out the ranch.

  •         He counsels Bruce Banner on his anger issues with his father.
  •         Dr. Enix tries to help Patsy Walker break the delusion that she has been to Hell but was her personification of her experiences in the show business industry
  •         He counsels with Barbara Norris that she isn’t Asgardian with the responsibility of being a “Chooser of the Slain”
  •         Dr. Enix enjoys drinking tea with Dr. Strange at the end of the visit. It was nice to discuss shop with a typical professional.

On his drive he is ran off the road by large bird crashing into his windshield. His car catches fire. He hears a voice calling him to “rise from the flames”. He thought for a moment it was Dr. Strange but it couldn’t be. Dr. Enix told himself. Still he followed the voice and rose out of the flaming inferno that was his car.

There he stood transformed into a man of living fire. In a panic flew away to escape the carnage. He had turned into a flaming bird. He flew back to the Defenders Ranch when Dr. Strange waited for him. After several days of counseling and recovery, Phil was ready to embrace his new life.

As a member of the Defenders, as Firebird.

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