Character 11 is Champions Now Edition by Ron Edwards. It was published by Hero Games.
This is a game that I own most of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th edition modules and rules. Recently a new version was created on the basis of “What if Champions didn’t join the Hero System with 4th edition”. A Kickstarter was created to fund the efforts to go back to the 1st to 3rd edition texts and create a new edition with all that had occurred in game design theory since then into the next edition of Champions. That is what Champions Now became.
Interesting side note on the Kickstarter, it wasn’t seeking funding to publish a set of ready rules with the money for art, typesetting, and initial run of printing. This funding included rule creation. So as Kickstarter funding member you were able to participate in playtest, proofreading, and other input as the rules evolved.
For the #31dayCharacterCreationChallenge I will be following the rule books as written. This means I will need to start with a character idea. I have used previous player characters I have played since they are a fully more realized concept. I will do it again.
I am using El Conquistador from my V&V games. I played him in V&V 2.0 in college. I updated him to V&V 2.1 to use as a NPC in my Megalopolis game I GM. Here is the most recent version.
This character creation process “begins with Situations
because these, more than anything else, provide the material for how the player
and game master describe what the character’s doing and what’s happening around
the PC during play” Page 16 of Champions
Now I will start following the character creation format.
The hero is made for this challenge: Juan Cortes. He’s conceived form these ideas:
Ø The person: Juan seeks to help the downtrodden. He sees a caste system in America with the Elites, Wealthy, Servants, and Downtrodden. He cherishes family and faith. Tries to work within the Elites’ system as a Social Worker. He sees crime as the way for the Elite to punish the downtrodden. Views himself as Mystic Religious Warrior to save the downtrodden.
Ø The powers: Gifts from the lost City of Eldorado. Increased abilities and magical powers that he can blast, create armor, and strike with. He fights and floats above the fray. Flights toward danger.
Ø The problems: Frustrated and impatient, driven to make a different, unfairly criminalized, in danger from both ‘sides’ of the law.
Now from these create the situations
Secret Identity – 15 points
Psych: Stands up for the downtrodden persons selfhood (often) – 15 points
Psych: Certain that he is on the side of right (often, meltdown) – 25 points
Hunted: The city police (organization, ordinary, ruinous) – 20 points
Hunted: Media of the Elite (organization, extensive, manipulative) – 20 points
Dependent Non-Player Character: Gloria, his mother (overprotective/sometimes, Physical Ailing) – 20 points
Vulnerable to Presence Attacks (challenging his Religious beliefs or existence of El Dorado) – 15 points
I put these in the character sheet with the Disadvantages in bold
Now is time to add the Basic Characteristics. If points are not listed then it is the starting human level.
Strength 2d6 which I increased to 8d6 for 30 points
Presence 2d6
Defense 10 increased to 13 for 3 points.
Body 10 increased to 12 for 20 points
The next are calculated based on Body score. To increase them Body has to be increased
Recovery 12
Stunned 12
Knockout 24
Endurance 36
Speed 1 increased to 4 – 30 points (This is Champions after all so a Speed of 4 has to be done)
Dexterity 11
Intelligence 11
EGO 11
Now it is for Skills, Skills have changed. Everyday skills aren’t included. This is for the over the top comic book skills which makes the character better than any typical human. Based on this premise no Skill for El Conquistador
Now for the Powers
Instant change – Form of Juan Cortes, - 10 points. I wanted Juan Cortes and El Conquistador to be two different bodies. This is in the same vein as SHAZAM’s Captain Marvel and Miracleman. This how he can have a secret identity but not wear a mask. When he physically is changed by the mystical magic of El Dorado, there is no way for anyone to this El Conquistador and Juan Cortes are the same person as they aren’t the same body.
Specialized Defense versus EGO Based Attacks +3d6 removed – 15 points.
Elemental Control: Powers of El Dorado – 15 points.
In Champions Now the point value is ½ the
lowest slotted power. All powers are reduced by this. All powers have to use
END to be in the EC, that is why the Specialized Defense is not. When I listed
the powers the active power will be 15 points higher than their point costs
· Flight: 15 hexes per Phase, 3 END, 30 Active points
· Blast: 8d6, 8 End,40 Active Points (This is the Light Blast from the V&V character sheet)
Force Field: +6 Resistant Defense, 3 END,
Persistent, 30 Active Points, Limitation Always On. Limitation is
15/(1.25) for 12 points (This is the Armor from the V&V character sheet)
· Blast: 8d6, 8 END, Strike, Piercing, 70 Active Points (This is the Sword from the sheet)
That completes stating of the character sheet.
For the Origin story:
Juan Cortes is a Social Worker for the State. He wants to help the downtrodden to get a start of the a better life. He is frustrated that the Elite aren't giving up of their own prosperity to help. He finds himself often frustrated and impatient.
One night the fable city of El Dorado appeared to him. He heard a call to be another Champion of the Americas. Juan accepted.
To deal with the stress he is active in his church, prayers regularly, and spends time with family. He loves the family history. His mother, Gloria said that their ancestors were the Conquistadors. She tells how they free the slaves from their Aztec rulers.
One night the fable city of El Dorado appeared to Juan. It called to him to become a Champion of the Americas like his ancestors. Juan accepted.
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