Villains and Vigilantes Classic Edition was republished by Jeff Dee and Jack Herman as to allow collectors the opportunity to have a copy of one of the first Superhero Role-Playing Games. I was able to obtain a copy of V&V 1.0 but I also purchased the Classic Edition as my reading copy.
Interesting trivia about the genesis of V&V, when the authors were first teaching the rules to new players most hadn’t played Dungeons and Dragon before. V&V was their first role-play game experience. Computer games were starting out with Zork and Doom, so the idea of having an avatar in a MMORG was years away. In order to bridge the concept of V&V Jeff and Jack had to start with what the players were used to. The concept the players was used to was that the players were playing a game as themselves. The idea of playing totally different character was very hard for them. That is why character generation was written that way. For myself the concept of playing someone else wasn’t an issue, I had played D&D in high school. My characters ranged from a Human Ranger to Half-Orc Warrior. My love of fighters came from reading Lord of the Rings, the Conan book series, the Horse clans books, Arthurian/Camelot stories and Greek Mythology.
For the #31dayCharacterCreationChallenge I will be following the rule books as written. For this character I will be generating my character as me when I graduated college.
Identity: Tom Hise
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Experience: 0 Level: 1
Strength (S) 8
Constitution (Cn) 12
Dexterity (D) 14
Intelligence (I) 16
Charisma (Cr) 10
Level 1 means I have only 1 hit die. Since this is a Player character, it is automatically a 4 (instead of rolling the die). All the Basic Characteristics with the exception of Charisma provide modifiers to hit points. Referring to their tables, Strength provides +0 modifier, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, and Dexterity +1. So the Hit Point modifier is +3, for a total of 7 Hit Points
Power Potential is the 4 BCs (not Charisma) scores added together, S +8, Cn +12, D +14, and I +16 for total of 50.
Origin Type is obtained by rolling d10 and referencing the Origin Table. I rolled a 6 which is Supernatural.
Supernatural- These characters studied magic books and forbidden lore in order to master the arts of sorcery. True supernatural add +2 to their Charisma scores due to the aura of fear which surrounds them and the dedication they have demonstrated for their art.
So instead of studying Accounting at University of Texas at Arlington, I discovered a professor there that taught me the secret arts of sorcery.
Determining Super-Powers is done by rolling d6 for Supernatural Origin to get the number of powers. I rolled a 1, so only 1 power. If I had rolled 3 or greater 1 power would be trimmed that didn’t fit. If I had rolled 2 powers then 1 would be trimmed. Since I rolled only 1 power that is what I will keep.
To determining my super-power I will roll against list D. List D is made as a matrix. I will roll a d10 for the row and a d6 for the column. I roll a 5 for the d10 and a 6 for the d6 which results in Weather Control. (Whew! That is a single power that can be worked with. I will have to fight from a distance but it is still one of the better single powers to have).
The rest of the Stat Blocks are completed by referencing the Basic Characteristics tables.
Reactions are from the Charisma table; my score was raised to a 12 by my origin. Reference 12 for Charisma I fill in the Reactions
Reactions to Vigilantes +5
Reactions to Villains -5
Direct Damage is referenced for the 4 BCs which Strength is -1 Intelligence is +1 and Constitution & Dexterity are 0 for an overall Direct Damage of 0
Other Damage is Intelligence +1 and Dexterity is 0 for an overall Other Damage of +1
Intelligence provides the % values
% to Hit with Devices +10%
% to Detect Secret Entrances 4%
% to Detect Traps 15%
Constitution provides a Healing Rate of 1 per day.
Dexterity provides the Movement Rate of 32 inches and Accuracy result of normal (no negative modifier)
Level provides the To Hit Modifier of -15% and -5% with Device and Defensive Modifier of +10% (If I was going to place in a campaign I would attempt to convince the GM to allow me to use a wand or staff as a device to change my Weather Control attack through to take advance of the To Hit bonus with a device)
At the end of the character creation is a section on whether a Vigilante can gain immunity from the law for his activities since they are benefitting the citizens. I think this is a way to show the progress of a Batman like character going from being hunted by police to working alongside the police. The criteria is Intelligence (12) time Level (1) times 2% for 24%. I have to roll a 24 or less on d100. I roll 51 so I am not immune. I manually added this to my Character Recode sheet.
Weather Control is the ability to change and use the weather for attacks. The Current Conditions table gives the scores that must be exceeded on a twenty sided dice (I get a +2 to roll) to change the weather situation from one condition to another. The number give is also the PR cost of that particular weather change and this cost must be expended if the weather is changed successfully.
I copied the Current Conditions charge onto my Character Record sheet.
Once the character controls the existing weather condition if he is to use the conditions to make an attack, the types of weather and the attack that can be made is listed. I copied this information to my Character Record sheet.
All that I have left is my superhero name. I like portmanteau names so looking at his powers and origin I see I can combine Climate and Mage to create Climage.
Here is the Character Record sheet for Climage
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